
Nov 3, 2012

Dress Up Days

This past week, not only did we have Halloween dress up...but it was our Red Ribbon Week...and we had dress up EVERY day!  Check it out...
Monday was RED that was pretty normal.  A good start to the week!
Tuesday we wore ridiculous clothes and hair to show that Drugs Are Ridiculous!  Now, the fun begins...kind of a wild day, to say the least!
Of course, Halloween was Wednesday...right there in the MIDDLE of the week...aacckkkkk!
I was Sleeping Beauty...that wig was HOT let me tell ya...and not the good hot!  bwahahahaha
Thursday was Red/White/Blue show our American pride to be drug free...or something like that.  Didn't get a pic of that day...sorry!
We ended the week with PJ Day!  That was my FAV!!!
Hope you had a great week!  It was fun, but I'll be glad to get back to a normal schedule next week!
Many Blessings,


  1. Looks like you had lots of fun!! Love your sleeping beauty costume!
    Connie Anderson:)

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    I was just stopping by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition


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