
Nov 3, 2012

Currently And Former Student...

Really?  Another month has begun?  It seems that's all I ever post about lately.  I've got to get caught up...I have 2 pkgs. that I am soooo late in mailing out, no blogging, no freebies...that's got to change!!!
Today, I'll share my November Currently, and then hopefully get back to post an afternoon post...even though it will be two in one day...It's overdue, I think!
Ok, so do you see my first item...listening?  Well, this little guy is moving up in the country music industry....and he is a former student...from when I taught preschool!  O*M*G  If you haven't heard of Dustin Lynch yet, you HAVE to check this cutie out!  It was sooooo awesome to see him on the red carpet at the CMA Awards the other night!  One of his songs, Last Lap, is actually about our town.  So cool!  Go check out Dustin and fall in love with his music!!!
Cowboys and Angels
She Cranks My Tractor
And if you feel so can vote for him here.
Thanks for taking a peek!


  1. Wow! How cool to have a former student on the red carpet!
    Rowdy in First Grade

  2. Found you on the Currently linky and I'm your newest follower. That is so exciting about your former student! Isn't it great to see them do well? You must be so proud!

    Krazy Town

  3. I saw the picture of Dustin Lynch on the Currently linky and had to pay you a visit! I saw him last weekend at the Lexington Barbecue Festival. He is definitely dreamy with those cute dimples! :)

    Your blog is super cute! Happy November! :)

    Miss R's Room

  4. I love country music and it is so neat to have had a former student hitting it big! :)


  5. How awesome to have a famous former student doing great things! I love listening to Pandora in my classroom too!

    Success in Second Grade

  6. I found you on Farley's Currently. I will have to check out Dustin Lynch. I am not familiar with himm

  7. That is So cool about your former student. I love country music. Will have to check him out.
    Diving Into 2nd Grade


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