
Jan 14, 2014

Living In Darkness...Focus on Helen Keller

Helen Keller...
What do you think of when you hear that name?
Some might think of words like blind, deaf, mute...
and that would be true.

However, what I think of is...

I have taught about Helen Keller for quite a long time, and it seems that each time, I learn something new...something amazing.  This lady was really something!

Watch this rare footage of Helen and her teacher, Anne Sullivan.
Warning:  It will probably bring tears to your eyes!

And though she never saw...she never heard...she did finally learn to speak.
Watch this!

Simply AMAZING, huh!??!

This week, our story from our Journey's reading series is Helen Keller.
My second graders have really enjoyed learning about this remarkable many questions...It's been awesome.
Here is an activity that we did today.
It is from my Helen Keller pack that you can find in my TpT store.

My students really got creative with their ways of communication...since they couldn't "hear", "speak", or "see".  

We have been learning Braille and Sign Language, as well.  My kiddos can sign several words and are working on finger-spelling their names.  We have located a lot of Braille in our school and in our community, that we never noticed before.

And so...I leave you with this quote from Helen Keller herself...
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart."

Many Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. I remember being really impressed when I learned about Helen Keller in school. I ALMOST did The Miracle Worker with my 8th graders last year and opted for The Diary of Anne Frank instead. This post makes me wish I had done HK!


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