
Apr 11, 2013

Storms in TN and Thunder Cake

Today was a great end to our two week Patricia Polacco Author Study!  We had storms in middle Tennessee, so we made THUNDER CAKE!  Tomorrow we will get all of our pages in our P.P. book. The kiddos have had such a great time with this!!!

Here are a few more of our pages...I'll add more pics of our pages soon!
Rechenka's Eggs...Pysanky eggs were SO MUCH FUN!!!

Boat Ride with Lillian Two Blossom "FLIP PAGE"  you see the young Lillian Two Blossom...
and now the old Lillian Two Blossom!
Mrs. Mack...and Copper Penny
Chicken Sunday

So, I'll share more pages in our P.P. booklet soon!

Waving from The Teacher's Chatterbox,


  1. So fun! We didn't make thunder cake...I had a mom make it for us but we ate it :) haha
    Kickin’ it in Kindergarten

  2. :) That's the way to do it, Elizabeth! I'll remember that for next year!!!! :)


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