
Jul 5, 2012

Classroom Management

To me, Classroom Management is different than Discipline.  Classroom management is good management  by the way of procedures and routines that are established first thing in the year by the teacher, and consistently used throughout the year.  I feel that if you have good classroom management then you will have less behavioral issues...notice I didn't say no behavior issues but less.

Model and Practice are biggies for me!  I spend the first few weeks teaching/modeling the procedures and having the students practice them over and over.  This way it becomes routine, and everyone knows what is expected of them.  I also spend a lot of time on community building, through books and activities.  This sets the tone for the year. 

Here are a few books that I use.  I haven't used Lester's new book, Three Hens and a Peacock, but plan to this coming year!   

Our school has a high rate of transient students.  So, I choose two or three {I recommend 3} to "welcome" new students to our school, and help them with procedures and routines.  I choose responsible students that have been most successful at modeling our procedures.  This year since I'm doing a cowboy/western theme, I'm calling them "The Welcome Wagon".  I will work extra with these students to prepare them to help new students that come to our classroom.  They love doing this and are successful at it...but I've always taught 3rd grade.  I will be teaching 2nd graders next year, so we'll have to see if they can handle this!

Ok, so you all know what a proponent of WHOLE BRAIN TEACHING I am!  I feel that this is a biggy in my classroom management.  Students are so interactive in the lessons, that they are on task, doing what they should!  They especially love the "Class-Yes", "Teach-Ok" and "Practice-I Got This".  I walk around during the time they are teaching their partner, so I can see who might need a little extra help, someone that might state what I did in more "kid-friendly" terms, and to assure that all students are on task.
A clip chart will be new to me this next year {I've never used it with my 3rd graders}.  Some might consider this more for "discipline" but I think it's classroom management too in the fact that the clip can change as student's behaviors change.  I like that!
So, what kinds of things do you use for classroom management?  I'd love to hear all about them!

A Little Magic
You will also want to check out this linky party at Teaching In Room 6.



  1. Great blog, I'm your newest follower. Please check out my blog if you have time. Calling Plays in the 2nd grade.


  2. I LOVE this!! I had decided at the end of this past school year that I wanted to implement money into my behavior chart for the classroom. I just finished my clip chart but mine is more for behavior. Feel free to see how I use it at my blog. Thank you for sharing!!



  3. I love my clip chart! I too think it is great for management! It really targets the ones who are misbehaving because the "good" ones are moving up and gaining the attention! You will like it!
    Join my super fun linky!

  4. How exciting to start using a clip chart. Sometimes Ill announce that I'll pick at least three people to move their clip up at the end of something. Kids that normally try to get your attention in negative ways will start crossing their hands and smiling and sitting up so straight hoping you'll notice them trying their best. It's so sweet.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    Surfing to Success

  5. Behavior management is one of my favorite things to talk about.. I am so glad to see your post! I did a guest blog for Teaching with Style on this topic.. come check it out and add your thoughts!

    Always A Lesson


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