
Jul 2, 2012

Already Working In My Room

As I was doing my Currently for July, I realized that the 1st of July meant only 24 days until I go back to school {with students going back in 31 days}  Ok, so I know that's technically a month until students return, but 24 days freaked me out a bit!  So, today I headed in to work on my room.  As you know, I am switching to 2nd grade this year.  At the end of the school year, dear sweet hubby helped me move everything from my old room to my new room.  First of all, I have to laugh at that statement because our new school building was finally finished, and this was the first year in our new really I had only been in that particular room for one year...even though I'd been in that position for 14 years.
So, I get my new Thirty One bags all loaded up, 
and off I went {and yes, that is one of the Southern Peach Lemonades that I'm hooked on!}
This is how my room looked when I walked in.
And this is how it looked when I walked out.
Yeah, I still have LOTS more to do!
But this is what I did while I was there.  I got this area semi-ready.  My board isn't done, but I'm happy to have my material and border up so far!

I know that I still have lots to do, but I'm happy with what I got accomplished in the short time I was there.

On a really sad note...when I got home, I learned that my neighbor's daughter {early 20's} was murdered, set on fire, and dumped on a country road last night.  This just doesn't happen in our community.  I am just heartbroken for her family.  Could you just say a pray for this sweet family!  Thank you!
Hug your loved ones tight!


  1. I am so jealous that you get to work in your room. I won't be able to get in until 5 days before school starts (AHHHHHHHH!).
    I am so sick over the news of your neighbor's daughter. It's so hard to fathom why anyone would do such a thing. It's so sad!
    Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog

  2. I've started working my room as well. I return on August 6th which is 33 days from now and the students return in 36 days. Plus I'll be out of town for in-service for for four of those days, so really I only have 32 days to prepare. I need to take some pictures the next time I am there to work.

    I am so sorry about your news. I live in a small town and I do not understand why people do such horrible things to others.


  3. Your room is looking great. Super cute theme! I've been teaching 2nd grade for the past 4 years and I LOVE it.

    I hope your year goes great!

    Please know that I am praying for your neighbor's family. I can't even imagine what they are going through.

    Thank you for sharing with the blogging community so we can keep them in our prayers.

  4. I'm jealous of your windows!! Your classroom already looks great!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor's family. I will pray for them (and you too).

    I Love My Classroom

  5. Oh that bulletin board looks so good!!!

  6. looking cute! i'm jealous of all those windows. we have one corner window in our rooms!

  7. Your room looks great. I love the western theme

    I gave you a couple of awards. Come check it out.

    room 4 imagination

  8. I love the paper on your bulletin board!!! It goes great with your western theme. I go back on Aug. 15, but my room is already done. I like to get it done first, so I have time to work on getting other things ready.
    So sorry to hear about your neighbor's daughter. I can't even imagine what they are going through. I will keep them in my prayers.

  9. You got a lot done today!! Good job!! It is looking great! I can't wait to see how it all turns out. Prayers are going to you neighbor's. That is horrible!!


  10. Your room looks awesome; so much space and light!
    I lift your neighbors to God; this is so horrific. I can't understand how heartless and cruel people can be. It's beyond me.


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