
Apr 15, 2012

Furry Friends Linky Party

You all know what an important part that our furbaby, Miss Maggie Bleu, plays in our family!  So when I saw this Furry Friends Linky Party, you know I had to join!
Our sweet yellow Labrador is 6 years old.  When we first saw her in the litter, she stole our hearts! 

We knew she was our "baby"!

Since she was a baby, she has loved sleeping with stuffed animals!  She has taught me that everyone needs someone to love!

Here she is getting Snoopy ready for bed.

But, her favorite is this {little-bit-stinky-use-to-be-pinky} bunny!

When she brings this to us, we know she is ready for bed!  LOL

She is everything you could ever want...Friendly...Loving...Smart...Loyal...Playful...and the GREATEST Cuddler!

She amazes our friends when we tell her to go get "insert a toy here such as "Wilson", "soccer ball", "bunny", "stick", etc." and she returns with that item!  She's too smart for her own good sometimes.  LOL
She stays right with me when I'm feeling bad or sick!  She has taught me unconditional love!

She has the funniest little personality!  She loves to make up her own games to play...and does she ever love to play!  Fetch in the morning, fetch in the evening, fetch even in the snow!  She IS called a retriever for a reason...
She has taught me that exercise is important...but she has SO MUCH more energy than I do!  LOL

She goes to bed with a toy just in case someone wakes up and might have a desire to play fetch!  LOL  And NO!  She isn't a bit spoiled!  You believe me, don't you???!!!  bwahahahahaha

She loves blogging too...a regular "Blog Dog"!  LOL

She has taught me what it means to be a TRUE FRIEND!

She adores her family, and she misses her "boys" that have grown up and moved out.  She loves her "girl" Kennedy {our granddaughter} who thinks Maggie is the greatest too!
Here's a mosaic I made for Mosaic Monday on my other blog.

She has taught me that sometimes, you just need to let other things go and have some fun!  Life happens way too fast, so stop and smell the roses...or the snow!  LOL

Head on over to Soaring Through Second Grade to hear about many more beloved furry friends!  If you have a furbaby, you might want to link up too!

Maggie's Mommy,


  1. Maggie Bleu is absolutely adorable!!! I LOVE all of the pictures you've shared- thank you!!! I especially love the picture of her asleep with her ball, just in case someone wakes up and wants to play fetch! I loved this post! Thank you! :)

  2. Aww, Maggie is a cutie. My Harley does not fetch anything. I've tried balls and frishbees but no go.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  3. I have a yellow lab named Champ who looks a lot like Maggie Bleu. He loves to play fetch and never wants to stop! I also have an English Bulldog and a Shituz named Max. I love my dogs and couldn't imagine my life without a couple furry friends. I really enjoyed your post!!

  4. She is gorgeous! I can whisper to my Penny, "Where's your ball?" and she can find it no matter where it's rolled. Aren't they just amazing like that? Thanks for sharing. =)

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness

  5. I adore her! thanks for stopping by and sharing love- I am your newest follower now!

    A New Teacher's Journey

  6. (((Maggie))), you are just too cute for words!

    Lori (
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  7. Wow-she looks so sweet! I love that she has her own toys to sleep with.


  8. She's just precious! Thanks for following my blog.
     Chrissy

    First Grade Found Me

  9. Maggie has one of the sweetest faces I have ever seen!! I want to hug her:))

    Surfin' Through Second

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love labs, and Maggie is precious! :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac Blog

  11. What a cutie! I love the photo of her on the computer. ~ Amanda @ The Teaching Thief

  12. Love the pictures! Especially the one where she is blogging. Ha!!

    I'm now follwing your blog!

    Primarily Speaking

  13. Maggie the blogger!!! LOVE IT!!!!! She looks like a sweetie pie.

    Live Laugh and Love to Learn

  14. Maggie is beautiful! I love that she brings you her stuffed animal to let you know she wants to go to sleep.
    I am your newest follower.

    :) Tamera


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