
Feb 19, 2012

Leap Year Freebies!

This is a Leap Year, so we'll get to see February 29th this year!

In celebration of that day that only comes around every four years, I have some freebies for ya.

Printables:  an original poem and Leap Year chart
Graphics:  a little Leap Year signature tag {see my sigtag BELOW for sample}

You can download the printable here:

You can order  your sigtag on this post!
Just leave the name you want on your sigtag, hair color, and an email addy so I can send it to ya!

Hoppy Leap Year!


  1. I've always wanted to know someone whose bday is on a leap old would they LEGALLY be???

  2. I saw a chart online that listed "real" leap year ages and how old people would really be. It's sort of like dog years!


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