
Jan 30, 2012

Tag You're It!

Kara at Treadwell's Math Adventure tagged me first!
Then that Kindergarten Chick, Amanda, tagged me!
But when I turned around, there was Adrienne from Wiggins World, and she tagged me too!
What's a girl to do?  Get new running shoes, I suppose!  bwahahahaha

So here are the rules:
1.  Post the rules.
2.  Post 12 fun facts about yourself.
3.  Answer the questions the tagger set for you in her post, and then create 12 new questions for the ones you tag.
4.  Tag 12 people and link them in your post.
5.  Let them know that they have been tagged.

Ok, so let's get this tagging started with 12 fun facts about me.
1.  I'm a Gramma to a precious baby girl!  
2.   My hubby is eight years older than me.
3.   I have two amazingly talented grown sons and one daughter-in-love.
4. I am a HUGE dog lover...especially Labradors
5.  I'm a collector of most anything vintage/antique.
6.  I'm a crafty kind of girl!
7.  I have a personal blog too.
8.  I have had several websites.  My new site Teacher's Chatterbox will OPEN SOON!
9.  I love shopping online!
10.  I adore peppermint mochas!
11.  I love to pixel draw.
12.  I think you can never have too many candles!!!  ;)

Next, here are Kara's questions for me, and my answers in response.

1.  If you're a "pinner", what's your favorite item you've pinned?  I am def. a "pinner".  My favorite pin is probably my WHOLE "Robin's Egg Blue" board!
2.  Who is your favorite children's author or book in general?  Ooooh...just one?  Really?  Patricia Polacco
3.  What is your favorite dessert?  Anything cherry, raspberry, or chocolate, AND especially any combination of those!  
4.  What is your most memorable school moment?  One year I had a third grader come to me who could barely read.  Through working with him in a small group, really differentiating instruction for him, he blossomed, began reading, and felt so proud of himself.  That's what it's all about! 
5.  Any advice you would give to a new blogger?  Get involved in linky parties, blog hop, post regularly.
6.What's your favorite TV show?  Tori and Dean, Impractical Jokers 
7.  How did you learn the tricks of blogging?  I began a personal blog a few years ago.  I'm self taught on a lot of my computer skills.
8.  What is your favorite math game?  Snaps 
9.  What is your guilty pleasure?  The Bachelor/The Bachelorette
10.  What is your favorite band/song right now?
11.  Do you sew?  Would you recommend buying a sewing machine?  No, I'm not a seamstress.  I say buy one if you are wanting to learn!
12.  Favorite place to buy teacher things?  Lakeshore

Here Are Your Questions:

1.  What movie could you watch over and over again?
2.  What would be your dream vacation?
3.  Do you like to cook?  If so, what dish have you perfected?  
4.  Are you tech savvy?
5.  What is your guilty pleasure?
6.  What is your favorite book to read aloud to your kiddos?
7.  Are you more crafty or sporty?
8.  Are you an early bird or a night owl?
9.  Facebook, Twitter, or Both?
10.  If you were told you were going to be teaching abroad, where would you want to teach?
11.  Do you collect anything?
12.  What is your most memorable teaching moment?

WHEW!  I know I was tagged three times, but I don't think I'm that exciting a person to be able to fill all of this out two more times!  bwahahaha... Thanks for the tags though, ladies!  Thanks for sticking with me through that long post!
Have a lovely week, everyone!


  1. I'm gonna have to check out your Robin Egg's Blue board! I'm pretty sure that is the color our master bedroom is going to end up!

  2. I just found you on that site and your blog! I am your newest follower! I am a newbie blogger...come on over and visit!

    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  3. I'll have to check out your pinterest board! Thanks for playing :)

    -Kara Treadwell

  4. Thanks for tagging me. I added my tag blog today.


  5. Ha Ha very cute! Thanks for tagging me! I'm working on my questions!

  6. Hi Rebecca, Thanks for tagging me! Fun! Somehow I missed that I had comments until tonight.

    I will work on those questions this week! Thanks for your patience and for thinking of my blog :)
    primary practice


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