
Dec 31, 2011

My 2012 Resolutions

I am joining Mor over at A Teacher's Treasure for her 2012 New Year's Resolutions Linky Party.

Copy and paste this image to your post & link it to the party at A Teacher's Treasure.
Make sure you include both personal and professional goals.  No more than 3-5 goals each.

 I always tend to make too many resolutions and end up only keeping one or two... if any.  That's good, but I probably could have done better at those one or two, had I just tried to focus only on them...and not so many.  So, I am going to make only 2 or 3 for each category.  So here goes...


1.  Lose at least 20 pounds.  
Here's my plan:  I am going to try to do this by drinking way less sugary drinks, eating healthier snacks, and exercising regularly!

2.   Get back to blogging more on my personal blog, as well as,  continuing this one!


1.  Keep a clutter-free desk.
Here's the plan:  I will take the time to put things away right then {easier said than done!}

2.  Communicate more with other grade level teachers.
Let me explain this one...This is the first year in our brand new school building.  It is fabulous to have doors and windows!  In our old school, the design was an "open" concept so, no doors...and no windows to the outside!  However, I saw other teachers all the time...even if it was just to wave at them, say hello, etc.  Now that we are in our beautiful new {HUGE} building...our doors are shut, hallways long, and we go days without seeing other grade level teachers.  I MISS that so much!  I see my grade level all day, but I feel isolated from all my other friends!  So I am going to make a point of traveling down their hallways just to say hi!  

Thanks for stopping by!  I'm off to see what resolutions others have made.

New Year's Blessings,


  1. Great goals!!!!

    Thanks for linking up!

    Happy New Year!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. What great goals! I definitely have to work on the clean organized desk thing!

  3. Great resolutions Rebecca!
    I forgot about my messy desk, that was a really good one!
    Wishing you all the best in 2012! Love being your bloggie buddy!


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