
Nov 23, 2011

Spreading Some Sunshine!

Wow!  Do I filled honored AND thankful or what?
Denise from Yearn 2 Learn has awarded me with the Sunshine Award!
Thank you SO MUCH, Denise!  I accept!

Here are the rules for accepting this award...

1.  Thank the person who gave this award to you, and write a post about it.
2.  Answer the following questions.
3.  Pass the award on to 10-12 fabulous bloggers, link to their blog, and let them know you have awarded them!

On the questions below,  you are going to see that I gave more than one answer on several.  Sorry, I just can't help's the way I roll...bwahahahaha are my answers...

Favorite Color?
Pink, of course but red does rank up top with it!

Favorite Animal?
Dogs!  Now you aren't surprised at that, are you?  teehee
Miss Maggie Bleu

Favorite Number?

Favorite Drink{s}?
 Peppermint Mocha

Facebook or Twitter?

Your Passion?

Being a Gramma to this precious girl...

Giving or Getting Presents?
Getting presents is fun, but I really love giving to others the most!!!!!

Favorite Day?'s so magical, and my Savior was born.
I love decorating, shopping, baking, and FAMILY!

Easter...My Savior sacrificed everything for ME.

Now, I am passing on the Sunshine Award to these bloggers...

Patti who is a ray of sunshine at A Series of 3rd Grade Events
Melissa who is the best dressed, and always makes me smile at Teaching Fashionista
Simply Super Jennifer at Empowering Little Learners
Little Miss Hypothesis who inspires me with Science
The most wonderful JenR at The Teacher's Cauldron
The crafty and clever Kelli at Castles and Crayons
The fun and colorful Mel at Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations
Wonderful Sally at Elementary Matters
Rockin' Hilary at Rockin' Teacher Materials
Caitlin who is Ms Preppy

Thanksgiving Blessings,


  1. Rebecca! LOVE IT!
    First of all that lil' munchkin granddaughter of yours is the cutest!
    Thank you friend for such a sweet shout out...
    Have a GREAT Thanksgiving!
    I'm a bit jealous that you've decorated your blog for the holidays!

  2. Thank you so much for the kind words.

    I am also envious of your Christmas blog decor. You are such the artist!

    I have always wanted to try to create graphics and even have a Bamboo pad and the Corel Color Draw Program, but have yet to figure it out.

    I love the cute pic of your precious granddaughter, but I think you look WAY too young to be a grandma :)

    Hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving as well!


  3. I love your blog and am your newest follower. I hope you'll come check out mine.
    2B Honey Bunch

  4. Aw, thanks so much for the honor! By the way, I love your holiday blog decorations!

    Sally from ElementaryMatters


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