
Oct 2, 2011

October Books

I LOVE October!  
Even though we are only in school two weeks in October due to Fall Break {yippee!} I have favorites that I love to share with my class!  Here are my October book picks...

{This is my all time fav!  I do a unit on Bats at the end of October.}

{I AdOrE this picture!!!}

What are your favorite books for October?

To see the picks of other teachers, head on over to Learning With Mrs. Parker!

Enjoyed our book chat,


  1. Great books, I notice we have some of the same books...I just love the Bats at the... series!

  2. I've never seen the Bats at the series. Looks interesting. I will have to keep these in mind when we learn about bats. Isn't Stellaluna such a beautifully illustrated book? I love it!

  3. I can't believe I am just now discovering your blog! I'm your newest follower. ~Amanda @
    The Teaching Thief


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