
Oct 23, 2011

Blog On Fire Award

Wow!  Do I feel so honored or what?  I got the nicest surprise from Dana over at 3rd Grade Gridiron...the "Blog On Fire" award!  Wow!  Thank you so much Dana!  This ToTaLlY made my night!

Ok, so the rules state that I must share 7 things about myself, and then nominate 7 blogs for this award.  So, here goes...

1.  I am a HUGE Cardinals fan {and I'm watching Game 4 of the World Series as I type! heehee}
2.  My guilty pleasure is watching The Bachelor/Bachelorette!
3.  I am a Gramma of the most cutest, sweetest, smartest 2 year-old girl, EVER!  No, I don't think I'm biased.  heehee
4.  I am totally obsessed with blogging and blogstalking!  
5.  I admit that I spoil our yellow Lab, Maggie, terribly.  She even sleeps in bed with us.
6.  I think a clean house is no where to raise kids...and even when you are an empty-nester.  ha!
7.  I am obsessed with decorating with vintage/antique finds!

Ok, so now the hard part...narrowing it down to 7 hot blogs...there are just SO MANY!!!


  1. Thank you friend. I am most honored :)
    A Series of 3rd Grade Events

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. awww! What a great surprise..Thank you Rebecca.


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