
Sep 24, 2011

What's In Your Bag?

I'm a little late to the party but it's been a busy week.  So I am taking today to get caught up on my blog hopping and linky parties!

Abby over at The Inspired Apple has asked to see what's in our teacher's bag.

This is the bag I've been taking this year up until recently.
  I've just changed out though.  Here's my bag right at the moment...

Ok, so now on to what's inside...the good, the bad, and the ugly!  LOL

Labels, sticky notes, notepads...OH MY!  I am a total sticky notes and notepads FrEaK!

The "First to the Top" Tennessee handbook.

Some reads...

A book about apples for planning my Johnny Appleseed Day.

Ok, so here's the bad and the ugly.
Well, the twins baby show invitation isn't either bad or ugly...that's precious!  And the ponytail holder isn't bad either.  However, you also see a receipt from the bookstore, the candy wrappers and froop loops.  Uh, yeah.

So, what's in your bag?
Until our next chat,


  1. Hi! Cute blog! Thanks for grabbing my button.. i'll def grab yours!
    I'm a new follower too!


  2. Rebecca! Check out my post I gave you an I love your blog award! Your blog is awesome!!!

  3. SUPER cute bags!! There is nothing ugly inside! At least the fruit loops were in a baggie! I am late to Abby's linky party, here is my bag


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